solutions 4 fitness Taunton

Pilates in Taunton: Pilates is one of the most popular forms of exercise for men and women of any age or fitness levels. It focuses on core strengthening that results in improved posture, balance, flexibility, strength and injury prevention. You can do Pilates at home with Sharon’s videos or in a Taunton Pilates group session..

Taunton Pilates Videos

Pilates 4 Fitness with Sharon Davies

Pilates in Taunton: Pilates is one of the most popular forms of exercise for men and women of any age or fitness levels. It focuses on core strengthening that results in improved posture, balance, flexibility, strength and injury prevention. You can do Pilates at home with Sharon’s videos or in a Taunton Pilates group session..

Pilates 4 fitness with Total Body Pilates (Sharon Davies)

Pilates Taunton with Sharon Davies

Award winning Sharon Davies

Sharon is a qualified Level 3 Pilates Instructor (OCR) and a PureStretch Instructor. As a recognition of her Pilates teaching skills she was awarded the Muddy Stilettos category of Best Pilates Instructor in Somerset 2019.

The classes are suitable for beginners and mixed ability level and attract both male and female clients who are either recovering from injury or are hoping to improve their posture, flexibility and also want to prevent injury.

Sharon teaches several mat-based classes Pilates in Taunton. The classes are suitable for beginners, mixed ability up to advanced level and all classes attract both male and female participants with a varying age range

Pilates is now one of the most popular exercise systems. Core strength is the foundation of Pilates exercise. The core muscles are the deep, internal muscles of the abdomen and spine, and as you develop your core strength you develop stability throughout your whole torso. This is one of the ways Pilates helps in the recovery from injury such as back pain, as well as helping to prevent injury. Further benefits include improving posture by creating better alignment as well as increasing muscle flexibility and joint mobility. Pilates is also relaxing and very enjoyable too!

Classes at Taunton School

  • Tuesdays 6:15 - 7:15pm - Beginners and mixed ability

Pilates classes are now on a new post COVID schedule - details of both online and local sessions can be found HERE

Taunton School

Riverside Church

Classes at Riverside Church
Hamilton Road, Taunton

  • Thursday 10am - 11am - Beginners and Mixed Ability
  • Thursday 6.30pm - 7.30pm - Mixed Ability/Advanced Level

Pilates Classes are now on a new post COVID schedule - details of both online and local sessions can be found HERE

PureStretch – what is it?

Stretching in exercise is the most neglected part of any workout. PureStretch is designed to move and stretch the entire body while giving the core a good strong workout. PureStretch combines the core strength of Pilates and the flexibility from Yoga resulting in increased flexibility, movement and strength.

Pilates 4 Sport and its benefits

Pilates exercises create a stronger and more stable core which helps improve posture by strengthening the back and abdominal muscles as well as increasing flexibility, strength and balance.

Pilates helps reduce tightening of the neck and shoulders as well as the hips thereby increasing the range of movement in these areas.

A strong core ultimately helps to prevent injury and promotes faster recovery from injury. It also helps to improve performance because you move more efficiently, increases stamina by decreasing muscle fatigue resulting in improved times.

Polates Class

The Benefits of Pilates

Over time Pilates exercises can help by activating the weaker muscles, lengthen the tight muscles and create better alignment.

Pilates can:

  • Strengthen your back and abdominal muscles
  • Lengthen and align your spine
  • Improve your posture
  • Expand your diaphragm
  • Increase your overall flexibility, strength and balance
  • Increase the range of movement in your hips and shoulders
  • Enhance your concentration through focused breathing
  • Help you run with a more upright stance
  • Help you recover faster after long runs and from injuries

Pilates exercises create a stronger and more stable core which helps a runner:

  • To strengthen your back and abdominal muscles
  • Improve your running posture
  • Increase your flexibility, strength and balance
  • Run more efficiently uphill and downhill with a stabilised musculature
  • Experience less tightening of the neck, head and shoulders
  • Increase oxygenation and stamina with focused breathing
  • Decrease fatigue because of less strain on the body
  • Improve your times because you move more efficiently
  • Run without pain!
  • Promotes faster recovery from injury

And of course Pilates is relaxing and very enjoyable too!